
Kosugi Font

Download the Kosugi font for free to create great typography. Create a custom image with your own words. Embed the Kosugi font on your website with the ...


Kosugi is available via an open source license. You're free to use it with your Adobe Fonts account just as you would any other font in the Adobe Fonts library.

Kosugi Maru

Kosugi Maru is available via an open source license. You're free to use it with your Adobe Fonts account just as you would any other font in the Adobe Fonts ...


Kosugi is a Gothic design, with low stroke contrast and monospaced metrics. Initially developed by MOTOYA and released for the Android platform under the Apache ...

Kosugi Maru

Kosugi Maru is a Gothic Rounded design, with low stroke contrast and monospaced metrics, and rounded terminals. Initially developed by MOTOYA and released ...

googlefontskosugi: Kosugi fonts, originally by Motoya

Kosugi is a Gothic design, with low stroke contrast and monospaced metrics, and rounded terminals. Initially developed by MOTOYA and released for the ...

Kosugi font

Kosugi is a font. The typeface contains 1 file and supports 15 languages. The license is Apache 2.0. The font can be used in commercial and non-commercial ...


Download and install the Kosugi font by MOTOYA. The Kosugi font has been downloaded 3474 times.

【小杉圆体Kosugi Maru】免费开源哥特式圆角设计日系字体

小杉圆体(英文名:Kosugi Maru)是一种哥特式圆角设计,笔画对比度低,采用等宽字体,末端为圆形。该字体最初由MOTOYA开发,并在Apache许可证下为Android平台发布,基于20 ...

Kosugi Font Family Download for Desktop & WebFont

Kosugi font family designed by MOTOYA has a total of 1 different styles. You can download the Kosugi font to your computer or use it on your website.


DownloadtheKosugifontforfreetocreategreattypography.Createacustomimagewithyourownwords.EmbedtheKosugifontonyourwebsitewiththe ...,Kosugiisavailableviaanopensourcelicense.You'refreetouseitwithyourAdobeFontsaccountjustasyouwouldanyotherfontintheAdobeFontslibrary.,KosugiMaruisavailableviaanopensourcelicense.You'refreetouseitwithyourAdobeFontsaccountjustasyouwouldanyotherfontintheAdobeFonts ...,Ko...